I don’t think anyone would argue that 2020 was not the brightest nor best year personally or professionally. But now that it is gone, how do we approach marketing and business development in 2021 under the continued restrictions and safety concerns? Through online tools. More people are using technology to connect with people, educate themselves…
Social media used to be this new, shiny thing. When businesses started using it to market their items and services, it was an intriguingly fresh approach. Even so, lawyers were skeptical of this tool as a viable vehicle to promote their services. Now that the tools have been around for a long time, it’s become pretty clear…
There is an etiquette to everything. Whether in a business or personal setting, it is important making a good impression is often the foundation of ongoing relationships. Social networking has experienced exponential growth and we use online tools for almost everything. Just as in face-to-face interactions, there are expected behaviors online that aren’t published hard and…