So many people use the words ‘thankful’ and ‘grateful’ interchangeably. Both words are quite popular this time of year as we approach Thanksgiving. Not a terrible thing, but what if we pause for a moment to ponder the difference between the words. Each word shows a slightly different emotion– one in response to something someone has…
I recently volunteered my time to help publicize the service projects that the Boy Scouts of America are undertaking in my town. I knew this was a good thing to do, but I found that it took me a few days to hit send on that email committing myself. This hesitation made me wonder… Should…
One of the biggest business development challenges facing businesses is sustained, focused action. Planning is the easy part– selecting goals, determining your pathway and documenting the plan. It can even be fun! It is after the marketing plan is written that the true struggle begins. Why is that? Planning feels like action. It is…