Deliver Service in More than 140 Characters

In our electronically driven world, it is easy to lose sight of the strength of superb customer service. We talk in sound bites. Tweet in under 140 characters.  Text in code. But what is this doing to our relationship skills? Are we short-changing ourselves by not practicing the basics of relationship building in our every…

Staying Memorable

As we usher out 2012 and welcome in the new year, it is the perfect time to take note of what went well and what changes we may want to make in the new year.  In reading through some of my notes from over the year, I see a theme running through them.  Many of…

Using Positive Language for Stronger Results

Have you noticed how you feel when someone tells you not to do something.  All of a sudden, it is all you can think about doing!  It becomes very difficult to think about anything else!  What does this have to do with business success?  Everything. Using positive language earns better results. If you want to…