Focus Includes Not Being All Things to All People

Focus.  It is a crucial element to success.  I am not talking about minimizing environmental distractions, although that is helpful.  I am talking about focusing your targets, pitches and short-term goals.  Think about it.  Which is more attainable?  To “lose weight” or “lose 5 lbs over 10 weeks.”  Having a clearly defined path helps you…

Be the Service ‘Glue’ that Supports Cross Selling

I often speak with lawyers and business owners about cross selling their services. My message: cross selling is not really selling, but actually service.  Think about it… no one wants to sell or be sold to.  But everyone wants to be well-served.  So where do you start? Let’s begin with one basic foundation. Show your team’s…

End of Summer Marketing

We are officially in the dog days of summer. Hopefully everyone can grab a few more days on the beach, enjoying backyard BBQs and take a few more dips in the pool.  In between recharging your batteries, keep up on your relationship and business development so that September doesn’t find you in a scramble to catch up.…