6 Action Based Marketing Steps

I had the distinct pleasure of presenting a program for the Massachusetts Women’s Bar Association with my esteemed colleague, Elizabeth Hailer.  The title of our presentation was Action-Based Marketing for Developing Business Opportunities: The 5 Steps You Need to Take.  (So, yes… you are right that the title of this post says 6 steps.  The…

The CLE of Lead Generation

I often get asked how to generate leads.  I usually begin talking to people about how they define a lead.  The typical answer is that a lead is akin to a cold call.  Unsolicited inquiries from strangers about your services or business.  I don’t agree, entirely.  Of course that can be one type of lead,…

Relationships are the Foundation of All Business Development

By now, many people know I have a mantra about relationships.  Perhaps it’s a philosophy, a dream or even a rant… but to me, life is all about relationships. Whether you are building new friendships or new business, relationships matter… a lot.  They are the foundation of everything we know as a human race.  That’s…