As the new year rapidly approaches, it’s time to consider your goals for the new year. Sometimes this process can make people feel anxious. Questions start to fly through your head… What if I can’t reach them? What if they aren’t reasonable? How do I begin? Ignore those doubts. Goals come in all shapes and sizes. They…
Customer service standards touch every business. People always notice bad service and the negative association that comes along with it. On the flip side, people also always remember the feeling of a great service experience. When it comes down to it, people like to feel that they have made good purchasing decisions choices and their service experience is directly related to…
As the new year rapidly approaches, it is time to select goals for 2015. Instead of setting an annual goal this year, consider committing to smaller, quarterly goals. Research shows that people with defined short-term goals make more progress than those who stick with annual goals. Shift your thinking to where you want to be in say…