An Important Linked In Update for Law Firms

Linked In has quickly become a component of many law firm marketing plans. Recently, the ABA Journal reported that a New York ethics opinion states that law firms may not describe their services within the “specialties” section of Linked In. It clarifies that only appropriately certified lawyers may list specialities, as long as they comply with disclosure requirements. Law firms may identify their practice areas within the general description section, but not under the specialties sub-section. So, what does this mean for marketing through Linked In? Not a heck of a lot in my opinion. There is no need to fill in the specialty section to use this tool, but you do need to keep using Linked In to accomplish the following:

  • Build visibility for all of the attorneys within the law firm.
  • Make connections with people you know and/or have recently met.
  • Follow companies that interest you.
  • Follow your clients’ companies so that you know what they are broadcasting.
  • Get involved in industry conversations in a meaningful way.
  • See what your colleagues and friends are working on.
  • Keep an eye on your competitors.
  • Learn more about your industry or a topic that is interesting.

Of course, law firms need to follow the ethical rules set forth in the field.  But, don’t let these complications keep you from harnessing the power of Linked In to market your law practice.