He Said… She Said… What Do You Say?

I was recently caught in the middle of a ‘he said/she said’ situation.  Here I was, a non-involved party who just happened to know people on both sides.  It was kinda awkward… both sides were coming to me to try to ‘win me over’ to their side when I really had no idea what had…

The Power Behind ‘Word of Mouth’

I was with a group of my peers yesterday when the conversation turned to our summer travel experiences. One woman in the group had a fabulous experience with a travel agent and was raving about her skills. We were all engaged in the details of her trip and how this agent made her experience successful.…

The Art of Starting Conversations

September is just around the bend, and with it comes a new beginning for building business relationships. The fall is a great time to get involved with a new group or revive your activities with an existing organization. Often, industry groups get started with networking events in the fall, which then kick off a series…