Practice Makes the Difference

I was reminded of a very important, very underutilized tool this weekend… practice! Sure… the tool seems so simple, but it is so often overlooked.  It became very clear to me in a recent encounter with my teenage son.  He and some buddies made a golf date and needed to set up a tee time.…

Twitter: A Few Do’s and Don’ts

It’s hard to believe that Twitter was started in 2006! It has become a part of life for many of us. Whether you are a veteran tweeter or you are just getting started, here are a few Do’s and Don’ts to keep in mind. DO: Create a handle that uses your name. Help people find…

Linked In: A Few Do’s and Don’ts

It is clear that Linked In is an important component to any marketing strategy. There are certainly veteran users of Linked In, but new users are coming in every day. Whether you are new to the tool or not, it never hurts to review a few DO’s and DON’Ts for smart posting. Here are just…