Social media has exploded the growth of personal brands. If you have a consistent social presence (and I mean both in person ‘social’ and the online ‘social) you are building your personal brand with each encounter you have. Your personal brand is all about who you are and what you want to be known for.…
Many lawyers (and other business people for that matter) I talk to immediately tell me they don’t use Twitter. Not in the ‘I don’t know how to use it’ kinda way, but in the ‘I won’t use it/it freaks me out’ kinda way. At first blush, I totally get it. They see it as a…
I had the distinct pleasure of presenting a program for the Massachusetts Women’s Bar Association with my esteemed colleague, Elizabeth Hailer. The title of our presentation was Action-Based Marketing for Developing Business Opportunities: The 5 Steps You Need to Take. (So, yes… you are right that the title of this post says 6 steps. The…