Stay Focused

It feels like it has been dreary in New England for months, but every now and then I glimpse a tiny spot of sunshine.  That sunshine feels like a huge break.  How is it possible that 5 minutes of bright, clear sky can change your whole outlook?  Business development is not much different.  It takes…

Keeping Pace by Using “TO DO” lists

I have noticed a trend across all of my business and casual relationships.  When I ask how they are doing, the universal answer seems to be “I am crazy busy.”  This is usually followed up with a litany of things that this poor soul must endure over a short time frame.  I am no different.…

Act Today

This morning I had an experience which made me stop and think about how important taking action is.  I had just completed a phone call with a client when I heard a loud thud against my window.  A small bird had flown full-force into the window and knocked the life clear out of himself.  My…