Transitioning from Flip-Flops to Business Suits

Labor Day signals the cue to put away the flip-flops and bring out the briefcases. Transitioning from the relative care-free feel of summertime to a productive business-minded individual can be tough. There isn’t any way to stop this freight train and so here are a few tips to help:

  • Listen More Than You Talk… Except to Ask Questions–  reconnect with your colleagues, referral sources and clients.  Start by asking about how their summer went and then move into their plans for the last quarter of the year.  Listen to what they say, keep notes and ask some questions to get them thinking about how you may help them end the year successfully.
  • Manage Your Expectations– it may difficult to hit the road running if you have been away on vacation.  Give yourself some extra time to read through the piles of emails, sort through your snail mail and figure out priorities.  This may mean blocking out time early in the morning so that you are not distracted by the rest of the day’s activities.
  • Create a Plan–  Now is a good time to pull out your business development plan for the year and see where you stand.  From this larger map, commit to what you will do in the fourth quarter so that you see the results you want.
  • Celebrate Progress Made–  As you go through your plan, note the progress you have made and take a moment to savor in your success!  It is easy to overlook your accomplishments as you work toward your goals. However, it is important to recognize the accomplishments made along the way to keep your motivation fresh.

Hopefully these tips will help you make a successful transition from summer to fall without too much discomfort.  The great news is that once you hit a groove, you will be able to sustain yourself to the holidays when you can take a deep breath before you prepare your plan for 2012!