It’s January and we are all taking about setting those pesky New Years resolutions. It is funny that people spend so much time fretting about setting resolutions and then abandon them so quickly. Perhaps it’s time to consider resolving to avoid resolutions? Consider this… what about setting one short-term goal a month, rather than setting…
Our digital world offers us a great opportunity to stand out. Quality content is crucial to keep people interested and coming back. But images draw people to the content. Research shows that if someone is given a page of text with one image, their eyes naturally go to the title, image and caption first before…
I attended a great program on content marketing yesterday at the monthly educational luncheon of Legal Marketing Association’s New England Chapter. The speakers, Robert Algeri of Great Jakes, and Doug Stern, a freelance writer, spoke about how to create excellent content to make your online marketing success soar. I was really interested in everything they had to…