As the holidays speedily approach, it is easy to put marketing and business development on the back burner. Resist that temptation! Keeping momentum on your marketing efforts is critically important to making meaningful progress. While there is no replacement for person-to-person efforts, you can maintain your momentum with some quick activities. Employ these easy tips…
Before we usher in the new year, I want to each of us to take a moment to reflect on 2017. Life can blur past us sometimes. It’s good to make a conscious effort to acknowledge the good and bad of each year. By doing so, it helps you to focus on the new year…
Before we usher in the holidays and the new year, I want to take a moment to thank everyone for reading my blog. Life tends to blur past us at times, and the holiday season is a perfect time to pause for just a minute and reflect. What do I see? How incredibly lucky I am. I am…