Summer Tweets

There is a lot of talk about tweeting as part of a marketing plan.  Many people are aware of the tool, but overwhelmed by it, not knowing where to begin.  As long as you are thoughtful about what you post, you really can’t lose with it, so why not give it a try?  It is…

Summertime Marketing

It is finally summertime in New England!  The weather is warming up, the kids are out of school and people are talking about vacation plans.  To many people, that is the perfect excuse to stop dead in their marketing tracks.  It is unfortunate to hear that people avoid reaching out to clients in June, July or…

Creating Effective Website Content

Websites are here to stay. Long gone are the days when just having a site was enough to show you were in the game. Websites have become increasingly sophisticated tools for differentiating your experience and skills. How do you separate the best from the rest? Quality content. Google analytics proves that traffic spikes occur when…