6 Action Based Marketing Steps

I had the distinct pleasure of presenting a program for the Massachusetts Women’s Bar Association with my esteemed colleague, Elizabeth Hailer.  The title of our presentation was Action-Based Marketing for Developing Business Opportunities: The 5 Steps You Need to Take.  (So, yes… you are right that the title of this post says 6 steps.  The…

The CLE of Lead Generation

I often get asked how to generate leads.  I usually begin talking to people about how they define a lead.  The typical answer is that a lead is akin to a cold call.  Unsolicited inquiries from strangers about your services or business.  I don’t agree, entirely.  Of course that can be one type of lead,…

How Shoveling Snow is Like Marketing Your Services

As New England gets an other foot of snow added to the winter totals, I found myself torn between shoveling now or waiting for later when the storm is done.  Then it occurred to me!  Shoveling snow is pretty similar to marketing your services.  How?  Let me tell you… It is far easier to shovel…