The Power Behind ‘Word of Mouth’

I was with a group of my peers yesterday when the conversation turned to our summer travel experiences. One woman in the group had a fabulous experience with a travel agent and was raving about her skills. We were all engaged in the details of her trip and how this agent made her experience successful.…

Reviewing Marketing Strategy On the Go

Businesses with written marketing strategies always outperform those approaching marketing with an ad hoc spirit.  But how often do you use a formal strategy?  How do you know when it is time tweak it? I always tell my clients that marketing is a long-term business investment that shouldn’t be dramatically changed too frequently.  However, I…

Building Successful Teams

Pulling together talented individuals with diverse outlooks can have a powerful impact on the bottom line. It sounds so simple– surround yourself with the best and let them do their jobs. But in reality, building a successful team can be a very difficult task. Following are a few tips for helping teams to work cohesively…