School is starting, pumpkin spice lattes are appearing on coffee-house menus and the tips of a few trees are starting to turn a golden hue. Even though it is over 100 degrees today, Fall is coming. And with Fall, comes a resurgence of activity. I find September to be like a mini-new year for many people.…
If you carefully examine your relationships, what separates the good ones from the really great ones? What is the secret sauce that makes the great ones really sing? What makes you feel good and comfortable with an other person? What hurts so badly when it is betrayed? I am going to be bold here… trust.…
Social media used to be this new, shiny thing. When businesses started using it to market their items and services, it was an intriguingly fresh approach. Even so, lawyers were skeptical of this tool as a viable vehicle to promote their services. Now that the tools have been around for a long time, it’s become pretty clear…