Cross Servicing: Does Your Team Have the Criteria to Be Successful?

Cross servicing (a.k.a.: cross selling) is a crucial piece of successful law firm business development programs. In my conversations with attorneys, I often find that there is a universal struggle with how to start the cross servicing process. When evaluating your firm for successful cross servicing initiatives, it is important to make sure your team has the…

Think Cross-Service, Not Cross-Sell

I was recently discussing the topic of cross selling with a client. As an internal marketing professional, she has a lot of experience with how to deepen relationships with and amongst her attorneys.  She offered some thoughtful insight into the psychology behind the often unsurmountable task of selling more services to existing clients.  I have to share her perspective! (By…

Dog Days Marketing

It’s the ‘dog days’ of summer.  According to Wikipedia, the expression ‘dog days’ refers to the hot, sultry days of summer in the areas around the Mediterranean Sea. Early civilizations would celebrate the rising of Orion’s dog constellation in July and August. The image of ancient people lounging around at night as they cooled off from a hot day, looking to…